The Bahá’í Faith in Hoffman Estates

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The Bahá’í Faith in Hoffman Estates

The best way to thank God is to love one another. ...'Abdu’l-Bahá

Welcome to the Bahá'í's of Hoffman Estates Website

Bahá'í's have been members of the Hoffman Estates community for over 20 years.  The Bahá'í Faith was introduced to the United States at the Parliament of World Religions in Chicago in 1892.

Beginning in 1844, the Bahá'í Faith is the newest of the world's independent religions, and is a faith focused on building a just, peaceful and sustainable world—one neighborhood at a time.

Bahá'í activities for adults, youth and children are open to all. Everyone is welcome to join a path of service and collective learning about the process of spiritual community building.